Privacy Policy

CLINICA BAVIERA, S.A. has adopted this Privacy Policy, guaranteeing that the processing of the data of the users of this website is conducted in a way that complies with the principles and rules relating to the protection of personal data.

CLINICA BAVIERA, S.A. declares its commitment to comply with current legislation at all times on data protection and other applicable law.

Below you will find detailed information about the processing of your personal data:


Data Controller

Postal address: Paseo de la Castellana 20 – 28046 Madrid.
Contact Data Protection Officer (DPD): Phone: +34 91 781 98 80.

Purpose of processing:

  • Registration of users for their participation in the Forum.
  • To establish, manage and supervise the operation of the Forum in accordance with the provisions of the Forum Rules and applicable regulations.
  • To attend to suggestions or proposals for the improvement of the Forum, possible technical assistance, quality improvement, as well as complaints about content that does not comply with the Rules.

Information retention periods

The data will be kept as long as the user remains registered in the forum and does not request their deletion and, in any case, in compliance with legal statutes of limitation that may apply (Capital Companies Act).

Data recipients

Participation in the forum entails the publication in the forum of the participant’s personal data.

Only in the event that the content of the communication may be susceptible to action by an official authority or court of law, the data may be disclosed to the competent authorities for investigation, confirmation and punishment if applicable.

International transfers

CB uses Salesforce services and Microsoft Corporation’s “Business Online Services” with tools such as Office 365, with such use constituting an international transfer of data to the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or Salesforce or their Subcontractors operate and governed by the 2021 Standard Contractual Clauses. You can view the agreement signed with Microsoft at MicrosoftProductandServicesDPA(WW)(Spanish)(Sept2022)(CR).docx (, or request the one signed with Salesforce from CB’s data protection officer at

Rights of data subjects

Any data subject may revoke the consent given, if any, as well as exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, portability and restriction, by writing to the Legal Department of Clínica Baviera, S.A., located at Paseo de la Castellana 20, 28046, Madrid or to, duly proving their identity. You may also file a complaint, when you consider it appropriate, with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD, especially if you believe your rights have been infringed.

The necessary technical and organisational measures are adopted to guarantee the security of personal data and to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

The Site has the SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layer), in order to guarantee the security in the transmission of data between your browser and our Site.

The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted in encrypted form, which ensures that it is only intelligible to the user’s device and that of the Site. Thus, by using the SSL protocol, it is guaranteed: Thus, by using the SSL protocol, it is guaranteed:

  • That the user is communicating their data to the server centre of the Site and not to any other.
  • That the data is transmitted in encrypted form between the user and the Site, thus preventing its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.

To verify that you are in a secure environment, you can:

  • Verify that the Page address begins with https://.
  • Check that a padlock icon appears in the address bar of your browser.
  • Verify the presence of the SSL certificate by checking the properties of the Page in your browser, for which you should check its characteristics.

Any changes made to the Privacy Policy and information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, and such privacy policy may be added, amended or deleted as deemed necessary.

In no case shall policies or practices be altered to make them less effective in protecting personal data without the prior consent of the data subjects.