Legal Notice

1. General information

In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce, the general information of this Website is indicated below:

  • Address: Paseo de la Castellana no. 20, 28046 – Madrid
    Contact: 917819880
  • Registration Data: Madrid Mercantile Registry, Sheet No. M-40728, entry 16, folio 190, Volume 12,405 of Section 8 of the Companies Book.
  • Spanish Tax ID: A80240427
  • Registered with the health registration number CS 2046 granted by the Department of Health of the Autonomous Community of Madrid to operate as a health centre. Fax number: 917819881

2. Use of the Website, its services and contents

This Website has been created by CLINICA BAVIERA, S.A. (“CLINICA BAVIERA”), for information purposes and for the use of its shareholders.

Accessing this Website presupposes knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

  • Access to this Website is the sole responsibility of users.
  • Accessing and browsing this Website means acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

The access to this Website confers on the user the status of “user”. By the mere fact of using this Website, the user fully accepts the terms and conditions set forth herein and agrees to do so in accordance with the law and respecting the other instructions for use contained in this Website.

The user declares under his/her responsibility that he/she is of legal age and has the requisite legal capacity to use the Website. The user agrees that he/she is responsible for everything he/she does on this site. The user also declares that all the information he/she provides is true and accurate, without limitation, reservation or misrepresentation. Excessive or abusive use of this Website may result in denial of access to the services contained therein. The following are strictly prohibited:

  1. Its reproduction, distribution or modification, unless authorised by its legitimate owners and it is legally permitted.
  2. Any infringement of the rights of CLINICA BAVIERA or its legitimate owners over them.
  3. Its use for any commercial or advertising purposes other than those strictly permitted.

Any attempt to obtain the contents of the Website by any means other than those made available to users as well as those normally used on the network, provided they do not cause any damage to the CLINICA BAVIERA Website.

3. Unilateral Modification

CLINICA BAVIERA, whenever it deems appropriate, may unilaterally change the structure and design of the website without prior notice, as well as change or delete its services, contents and conditions of access and use.

4. Website User Registration

All information regarding the processing of data obtained through the Website is contained in the Privacy Policy.

5. Duration

The duration of the provision of the Website and services is indefinite. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CLINICA BAVIERA reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of the Website or any of its services.

6. Intellectual Property

CLINICA BAVIERA is the owner, directly or indirectly, of all intellectual property rights and comparable rights with regard to this website, both of the Content of the website and of the texts, graphic design and codes or other elements of any kind that comprise them.

The User may view all the Content, print it, copy it and store it in the hard disk of the computer or in any other physical medium, as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for his/her private personal use; therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use the Content for commercial purposes, to distribute, modify, alter or decompile it.

Therefore, any copying, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation thereof must be previously and expressly authorised in writing by CLINICA BAVIERA.

CLINICA BAVIERA authorises references to its Contents on other websites, solely when they are not reproduced. In the event of a hypertext link to any of its pages, the User must be aware that he/she is entering the CLINICA BAVIERA Website and must see its URL address in his/her browser.

7. Industrial Property

The trademarks, trade names, distinctive signs of any kind and domain names contained in the CLINICA BAVIERA website are registered by CLINICA BAVIERA and protected by law.

The distinctive signs and domain names that appear in these Website pages used to identify other suppliers of goods or services belong to their respective owners.

Nothing contained in these Website pages shall be construed as a waiver or assignment of CLINICA BAVIERA’s intellectual or industrial property rights or of comparable rights over the goods regulated by their respective regulations.

8. Responsibilities

CLINICA BAVIERA shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of outdated versions of browsers, the malfunction of the browser, whether due to improper configuration, the presence of computer viruses or any other cause beyond CLINICA BAVIERA’s control.

The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Content and not to use it to engage in illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and legal order, to cause damage to the physical and logical systems of CLINICA BAVIERA, its suppliers or third parties, to insert or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.

Access to and use of the information contained in this website is the sole responsibility of the person accessing or using it, and CLINICA BAVIERA shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use that may be made of such information or the transmission or exchange of information between Users through its web pages.

9. Access and use

In general, Users may access the Website freely and free of charge, except for the Shareholders’ Forum section, where the prior creation of a user account by CLINICA BAVIERA shall be required.

However, CLINICA BAVIERA reserves the right, in accordance with current law, to limit, partially limit, suspend or cancel access to the Website at any time, in whole or in part.

Consequently, CLINICA BAVIERA does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the Website or its Contents, and therefore the use thereof by the User is at the User’s own risk, and CLINICA BAVIERA cannot be held liable in this regard at any time.

The user must use true, accurate, complete and updated data. The user shall be solely liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused to CLINICA BAVIERA or any third party as a result of the use of false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data.

10. Jurisdiction

CLINICA BAVIERA and the user shall be governed by Spanish law for any issues that may arise or actions arising from the operation of the website, its services and content and the interpretation, application, enforcement or breach of the provisions herein and they expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.